Force France: An Argument for Macron’s Health Pass

Claire Parsons, Print Staff Writer

September 09, 2021

In a short video released on July 12, 2021, President Emmanuel Macron stood behind a small podium and declared that, as of August, if citizens were not vaccinated against the coronavirus they would not be able to return to life as it was. The news comes after the Delta variant swept across the world, threatening a deadly fourth wave of the virus that has already claimed millions of lives. The so-called ‘Health Pass’ and comparable 48 negative test result system was a surprise to many as the République is one of the most vaccine hesitant states in the world. However, through the controversy of it all, the partial mandate of vaccinations is essential in France.

In a survey done on the state’s vaccine opinions, 41% disagreed that vaccines were safe. Macron emphasized in his statement that the French had already sacrificed so much and that it was time to, frankly, get vaccinated or face the consequences. Those without a Health Pass will be unable to attend restaurants, shopping malls, certain medical establishments, and will be restricted on certain planes and trains. While the bill has been passed by the French Parliament, it does stand to be shut down by the French Constitutional Council although it is considered unlikely due to the French fondness for strong and decisive presidents and their policies, thus encouraging a standing bill.

The famed Yellow Vests and opposition party leader Marine Le Penne have both risen in opposition to the Health Pass claiming that the French should be allowed to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated. However, a silent majority have applauded Macron’s bold gamble in an Ipsos poll in which 62% were just fine with the Health Pass. An even higher number approved of Macron’s policy to obligate front line workers to be vaccinated. This fascinating moral question has gripped the country of liberté, égalité, et fraternité: can states restrict those who refuse to be vaccinated during a global pandemic?  Not only can states do this , but they should absolutely follow France’s lead.

France has had over 6 million COVID cases and lost over 100,000 people to the virus. With French inclination to get vaccinated in the gutter, what else was Macron meant to do? The Yellow Vests have rioted across Paris and claimed their liberties are being violated, but France is also the country of fraternity. If you are not willing to protect your most vulnerable countrymen, then what liberties should the state afford you? Anti-vaxxers do not have a right to have  a coffee in a café if they do not show that they are willing to be respectful of the people around them, especially since they could avoid the ‘mandatory vaccinations’ altogether if they present a negative test taken within the past 48 hours. There are lives at stake and it is absolutely heartbreaking how people are willing to sacrifice them for a cheese board and wine downtown.

One of the most popular arguments against Macron’s Health Pass is that it is a restriction on liberty. However, the argument falters when considering it within the context of the unprecedented times we are so close to escaping. Healthcare workers have been wearing protective equipment in order to protect their patients, so it’s no shock that 70% of French citizens believe the jab should be mandatory for healthcare workers. One of the most vulnerable populations, children, already need certain vaccinations in schools in order to attend so they don’t endanger the lives of other children. However, the moral principle is so much more mundane than that. In order to drive a vehicle you need a license to prove that you are not life threatening to others around you. That’s all the Health Pass is. A license in order to prove you are not at a higher risk than anyone else around you, especially with a variant that increased cases by 97%. If there are no precautions taken to prevent the virus from mutating and spreading, then unvaccinated individuals are a threat.

Furthermore, the Health Pass is working. On the day Macron announced the new restrictions, more than 1 million French citizens made appointments to be vaccinated, with the majority of those being younger than 35, a particularly stubborn group. Moreover, the Palais de Sports vaccination centre saw 1,000 appointments made after the announcement. Plus, for those who are particularly headstrong, that recent negative COVID test works just as well. Sure, getting that many tests is inconvenient and a strain on the system, especially since tests will no longer be free. However, it is not a violation of anyone’s liberty, it is merely an inconvenience.

For just a moment, let trust go, and instead think about the people you love. When have you seen your family last, especially if they live far away or are immunocompromised? Would you not want to do anything possible to protect those people? To be fully transparent, several would trade your convenience, liberties, whatever you want to call it, for their families in a heartbeat. Several immunocompromised individuals cannot take the risk to go out and get vaccinated or cannot stand to be under the mild side effects of the vaccine. They need your protection.

The Health Pass is not an uncommon idea, and is even being considered in Canada after a test run in Quebec. The same concerns exist here as well, people are terrified of what a Health Pass will open the door to, be it mandatory vaccination or the state limiting what you can or cannot do. The unknown is scary. If there is anything that rings true in the aftermath of the pandemic, it is that. But battling against a virus like they are in France? It isn’t new, it’s textbook healthcare. Have hope, get vaccinated, and Vive la France.