

Capture d’écran, le 2019-03-25 à 21.00.44.png


Job Description

  • Hire staff including editors and staff writers before end of March

  • Hold regular meetings with co-executives

  • Hold regular meetings with staff

  • Hold socials throughout the year

  • Attend regular QIAA core meetings

  • Schedule regular article publications

  • Keep the website updated

  • Keep up with finances

    • Renewing NYT and Economist subscriptions

    • GSuite domain name

    • Website

  • Propose budget for the year to the QIAA CFO

  • Communicate with your staff about QIAA and Observer news

  • Ensure strong relationship with your staff to maintain engagement

Lessons for 2019/2020

  • Learn and engage with QIAA early and often

    • Understanding the details of how it works is important to ensuring The Observer operates well

    • Advocate for socials that better integrate the different initiatives

  • Ask for a larger budget than you expect because the CFO will likely give you less

  • Host socials more frequently and earlier

    • This is important for keeping your staff engaged and allowing them to get to know each other

    • These socials can be dry and do not have to be at someone’s house (ex. Go bowling, just casual QP afternoon, etc.)

  • Spend April thinking about how you want to change/maintain The Observer

    • Do not wait any longer, start to implement your changes in May/June/July and by August your goals should be in place because the school year is very busy

  • Do not be afraid to make big changes, I did, but ensure that it does not radically change the mantra of the organization

  • Make a huge effort during the hiring process in the Spring (March) and Autumn (September) to get the word out about hiring so you have as large as applicant pool as possible

    • This includes setting up booths in the ARC

    • Sharing it on Facebook, instagram, and twitter

    • Using physical advertisement could be beneficial

    • Advertise through QIAA as well they have a lot of resources

Important Notes

  • The Chief of External Affairs will now be in charge of marketing and socials so you will have slightly less responsibilities than I did, but ensure that you are integrated well with her plans and ideas for The Observer

  • This goes for the other executives as well, you will begin friendships with these people even if you do not really know them right now

  • This also applies to QIAA, it is family and the more you embrace it, the more of family it will become

Legacy Notes

  • These are some things that I did not complete but think they would be beneficial for The Observer

  1. Expanding your staff to 25-40

    1. Keep the structure of 1 editor per 4 writers and 1 senior editors per 10 staff

  2. Develop a way to get your staff to know each other better (ex. Early socials and more informal engaging meetings)

  3. Keep the week in review and election tracker

    1. These are difficult to maintain, but getting multiple people to contribute is likely best

  4. Try to ensure that the entire world/topics are being evenly written on

  5. We have a relationship with MIR, this should be further expanded

  6. Most read needs to be update more often, stats made this difficult for me